1. Alligators eat their prey in entirety and digest everything but the bones, so all they excrete are white bones skat.Click to see full answer. Regarding this, do crocodiles poop? Crocodile Poop After burying their eggs in the sand, crocodile moms guard their nests for three months before carefully uncovering the eggs when the little ones are ready to hatch. It is ironic, then, that crocodile poop is best known for its use in one of the world’s very first contraceptives.Secondly, why do hippos poop like that? 1. Male hippopotamuses fling their poop by spinning tails around to impress females and to mark their territory. So, a male hippo bragging would be like, “I can fling my poop ten feet in the air on my first try!” Hippos roll in mud, and it acts like a sunscreen for them. Thereof, what does alligator poop look like? Can be up to 5 or 6 inches in length and over 2 inches in diameter; rounded at both ends; light gray when fresh and drying to almost white. Scat really stinks, even after drying up. Found near water; scat may have no recognizable shape but contains fish bones and scales and pieces of shell; oily, tar-like appearance.How was crocodile dung used as a contraceptive?In ancient Egypt, the contraceptive of choice was crocodile dung. Dried dung was inserted into the vagina, the idea being that it would soften as it reached body temperature to form an impenetrable barrier.