What is Molokhia leaves in English?

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Molokhia or Mulukhiyah (various spellings based on the Arabic: ??????‎) is a soupy vegetable dish. It is made from leaves of Corchorus olitorius, commonly known as Nalta jute, tossa jute, and Jew’s mallow.Click to see full answer. Also question is, is Molokhia a spinach?Molokhia (Egyptian spinach) Molokhia is a highly nutritious ancient super-green from the Middle-East. It’s also known as Egyptian spinach, jute mallow or Jew’s mallow. Botanically, it’s Corchorus olitorius.Additionally, why is Molokhia slimy? The leaves are boiled in water or stock, resulting in a thick soupy liquid often served with white rice on the side. The slimy effect of the Molokhia when it’s cooked is very similar to Okra. It’s usually served with rice, but sometimes we just eat it as a soup with a piece of pita bread skipping the rice. Likewise, what is Molokhia good for? The common name for the green that is molokhia is jute leaf, considered a vitamin-rich superfood that’s reputed to be a sleep and digestion aid as well as to improve eyesight. The jute leaf is known as a superfood and is reputed to be a sleep and digestion aid.Is Molokhia good for weight loss?The word is usually referred to food that is nutrient-dense, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that can help someone live longer, lose weight or prevent disease. Molokhia is rich in Vitamin C, which stimulates the function of white blood cells and boosts your immunity.
